Jim Miller-Melberg's Play Sculptures
Jim Miller-Melberg’s most beloved creations were his play sculptures, manufactured for almost 50 years by his company Form, Inc. and Wausau Tile. He offered a whole line of concrete products such as benches, waste containers, and a cantilevered basketball standard. But his animal and climbing sculptures most live on in the hearts and memories of those who grew up with them. Miller’s playground sculptures were ergonomically designed with finger grips, holes for climbing and peeking through, and smooth edges and surfaces for riding and sliding. Today these pieces are somewhat endangered as many of their locations have fallen into disrepair and some communities have decided that kids might hurt themselves climbing on concrete. Today’s playgrounds have turned to softer and rubberized materials. Though originally unpainted (colors were mixed into the concrete), some later painting also raised fears of lead exposure. And the pieces are so heavy that many developers simply demolish them....